Honestly I am not a basket case!

1 minute read time.

oh the tiredness is such a pain its too early to go to bed so I thought I'd log on here to see how all you   lovely people are getting on

I found another lump a couple of weeks ago which the doctor doesn't seem too concerned about......which is easier for her to say!  I phoned my breast care nurse to let her know what was happening and thought I handled it ok with no meltdown until I got a phone call from the MacMilan wellbeing advisor first thing the next morning. Just before I got the call I was in good form sitting in stand still traffic singing away to John Barrowman (don't laugh I like him !!). She asked me how I was and I said I was fine and the next thing the tears started. I am sure the other drivers on the road were wondering who on earth was that mad person in the car blowing in and out and crying lovely sight first thing in the morning my apologies! 

i ended up meeting the woman who was wonderful and helped me get over a few hurdles I was finding hard to get over. In between the tears and laughter she made me realise I should ease up on myself  and stop giving myself a hard time when I am unable to do something I use to do.  Dealing with your up and down emotions is very draining and that there is help out there I just need to accept it. 

My first achievement this week was to have a bit of down time so I booked a facial which was lovely although it has made me tired its a relaxing tiredness. I also tired out Dragan Boat Padding which was brilliant. This was organised for breast cancer patients.

My second goal is to stop being hard on myself  - ironing you can just stay were you are! 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mandi

    I've bawled in my car whilst stuck in traffic too, I think most of us have. There's plenty of stuff to let go of so don't hold back, get a big tissue and go for it. I always feel better after ;) x