Radiotherapy and me.

  • Day 10


    Treatment #8

    So yesterday, I had a couple of managers from my workplace visit me, by appointment, at my home. This was a full-on attendance management procedure visit. The letter that heralded this visit stated  that I had exceeded a certain trigger point, as I have been absent for more than X days, and further disciplinary action may be considered. Blah.

    So I administered tea and cake, and told them I will…

  • Day 8&9


    Treatment #6&7 of 30.

    Had a distracting tour of the hospital yesterday, as the machine where I have so far had treatment was down for maintenance. 10-15 minutes walk to the other side of the hospital where there is another radiotherapy suite. On this walk I met an ex work colleague of mine who was visiting her husband who has just finished treatment for a tumour in his sinus. He was an inmate due to being under…

  • Day 7


    Treatment #5 of 30. Straightforward in and out of the clinic. I now take a bottle of water with me, as mouth seems to be drier than previously and it helps to be able to have a swill out in the car. For the first time, I watched the machinery going around me, and was able to see how the shape of the aperture changes as it rotates. 

    The Full Monty joke is now wearing a bit thin with the clinic folk, so I am need of…

  • Day 4 (5&6)


    Day 4 treatment couldn't end soon enough. Not that I am yet adversely affected by the RT, but the process of setting out to travel to the hospital, find a parking space, travelling back through a busy city ring road system etc. become monotonous even after the first week of treatment.

    I know these are small complaints, but I have found myself looking forward to a weekend when I don't have to do this and I can return…

  • Day three


    The good news is that the pain I had after treatment one has not recurred, so I guess the nerves just got a little over-stimulated.

    Clint Eastwood. 

    That tic he used to do with his eye in the fillums. I can do that now.

    This is the first sign of positive facial movement on the affected side since the operation 8 weeks ago, and I have to say I'm mighty relieved, as previously the best my face could manage…