Day 7

2 minute read time.

Treatment #5 of 30. Straightforward in and out of the clinic. I now take a bottle of water with me, as mouth seems to be drier than previously and it helps to be able to have a swill out in the car. For the first time, I watched the machinery going around me, and was able to see how the shape of the aperture changes as it rotates. 

The Full Monty joke is now wearing a bit thin with the clinic folk, so I am need of a new line. Possibly something to do with the imaginary smell of cooking flesh. Or perhaps not...

Anyway, I had a really nice Jalfresi with Naan bread for my tea, and a glass of wine, so things still ok in the mouth and appetite department. Today I have had Toast, bacon, fried eggs and button mushrooms, but have now noticed a definite tenderness on one side of my tongue, so maybe I'm now slipping down the slope to smooth food :0)

I have a dark and dirty secret. I am still smoking 20 fags a day. I had an appointment with the local stop smoking support group today, which was cancelled at the last minute due to the advisor being ill. I have NO willpower, so just stopping is not an option. I suspect that I will not be physically able to smoke when the RT really kicks in, but I have asked for the support just to gee me up.

There appears not to be a direct link between ACC and smoking, but it makes sense for me to try to give up forever now. If this isn't the incentive to stop that has been missing, I don't know what is.

Anyway, I have managed to score another appointment in a nearby town tomorrow, so hopefully I can approach this sooner rater than later.

The garage is now pretty much empty since I engaged a man and van to move out all of the junk this morning, and wife is encouraging me to look for the materials to build my new dream shed for when the 'men' take away the old one. I'm not feeling the drive to do this immediately, so I have compromised and agreed to build a fence in the meantime to separate our garden from next door's.

RT today not until after 5pm, so going to go and hobbify myself for a few hours. Until the next time....
