Day three

1 minute read time.

The good news is that the pain I had after treatment one has not recurred, so I guess the nerves just got a little over-stimulated.

Clint Eastwood. 

That tic he used to do with his eye in the fillums. I can do that now.

This is the first sign of positive facial movement on the affected side since the operation 8 weeks ago, and I have to say I'm mighty relieved, as previously the best my face could manage was the eyelid droop. The nerve where it comes out of the ear is still obviously swollen, but any sign of progress is encouraging to me.

The bad news is that I have opted to make the journey to the hospital by myself, using public transport today. My wifey is a very busy self-employed lady whose work involves a lot of driving, and up to now, she has accompanied me to the sessions. We have both agreed that her earning capacity will be affected if she can not make her appointments with a bit more flexibility, so today I am trialling the self-sufficient option.

I am no stranger to public transport as I normally commute to work and back by bus, but to get to this particular hospital is a two bus journey using the services of two bus companies with different payment options. Mountains and molehills, I know.

After the RT yesterday I had no particular ill effects, my throat seems a little tighter, and more mucous-y than normal, but at least this is something I have planned for.

Sipping water throughout the night, however, has its own set of consequences. Namely, up and down to the loo more frequently.

I continued with my long farewell to the foods I love to eat by having Steak and Kidney Pie with chips and gravy yesterday, and the plan is to fry some chicken tonight (did I mention I love fried chicken?). I even indulged in a little alcoholic beverage throughout the evening, it gives the impression that life is normal and just hunky-dory. And half a packet of caramac buttons. And some jelly babies. Hell, I had a proper binge!

OK. have to prepare myself for my epic journey now. But woe betide anyone who pisses me off today, since I am now able to do the eye twinge thing, that'll show them!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jam Butty

    You're writing a very good blog which I'm sure will be extremely helpful to other Head & Neck patients about to start their treatments.

    Have you asked if hospital transport is available in the area you live in?  I know it can vary around the country but if it's available where you are it can give you another option.  I used it throughout my treatment and although there was a fair bit of hanging around it did have some benefits.  One good thing was that I got to meet plenty of other patients on the journeys and their company made things more bearable.  xx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks for the positive feedback, Margaret. I have made enquiries into hospital transport in the area, and the impression I get is that it's a bit hit-and-miss - ie I could be travelling there and back for in excess of four hours.

    I have made it there and back in 2 1/2 hours today on the buses, so slightly better than I anticipated, so I think that is an acceptable inconvenience. It often takes that long in rush hour traffic to drive there and back and park, etc.

    Here's to your continued good health ...

  • FormerMember

    This is indeed a really good blog. I'm really glad that it was pretty much the first thing I stumbled across after my diagnosis was confirmed on Thursday. It's certainly making me feel a lot less apprehensive about my impending RT.

  • FormerMember

    I'm glad my inane utterings have been of some solace to you. I read a lot about the possible horrific side-effects and was fairly apprehensive about the RT. I guess we all are affected to different degrees by the treatment. I won't say that it is all wine and roses, some days I have been in considerable discomfort; but so far it has been manageable, and my energy levels are good, and the treatment is not now ruling my life as much as it did in the beginning.

    As is mentioned throughout the forum, make friends with your team and let them know how you are coping, there are many solutions to many different problems.

    There is, if you use facebook, an excellent blog by another forum user, called 'Toria's journey' which I found useful and informative.

    Keep your chin up!