Day 10

2 minute read time.

Treatment #8

So yesterday, I had a couple of managers from my workplace visit me, by appointment, at my home. This was a full-on attendance management procedure visit. The letter that heralded this visit stated  that I had exceeded a certain trigger point, as I have been absent for more than X days, and further disciplinary action may be considered. Blah.

So I administered tea and cake, and told them I will be back when I feel like going back.

Cancer, as such, is now covered under various employment statutes, including the equality act 2010, and in my experience employers tend to pussyfoot around stuff like this for fear of treading wrongly into legal quicksand. Which is as it should be. I *think* I have managed to convince them that I am not malingering, and that no further action should be taken, so they are out of my hair for another month.

I have no wish to appear blase about being away from work, but I think it's safe to say, that is not at the top of my list of stuff I give a chuff about just now.

Anyway, back to my food obsession. I ate a rather divine bacon butty for my breakfast, and on returning home from the supermarket with a nice freshly baked loaf, I tore into a chicken and cheese sandwich and pork pie for lunch.

Treatment was as expected, my face is now beginning to swell unevenly on the side I am treated on, to the point that this morning there are accurate comparisons between me and a cabbage patch doll. I picked up the mouthwash stuff, which turns out to be some soluble mineral salts to be used 4-10 times a day, which should help with my dry mouth, and which do not taste of anything particularly nasty, which is a small mercy.

Still haven't tried the anaesthetic gloop yet, as strangely the soreness of my tongue has abated, but it will definitely be minty according to the label.

Tea last night was further freshly baked bread with half a pound of butter and some lovely home-made soup (thanks, wifey).

Today is Friday, so I am looking forward to two days without treatment. I have only been doing this for two weeks, but already I feel like an old hand. 

Wife has just left me alone in the house for what seems like the first time in weeks as she has to do one of her work visits, and my RT appointment isn't until nearly 6 o'clock, so this gives me the opportunity to go out and buy her a little something special for her birthday tomorrow. We marked our anniversary last week in a quiet and dignified fashion, since we both forgot about it :)

Just going to walk up the hill to town now, have to order another sick-note from doctors and find a suitably sloppy card for wife. 

Who knows, I may even find something nice to eat while I'm there....

  • FormerMember

    You were very kind to give your Managers cake.  Don't think I'd have been so polite!  Well done for telling them you will be back when you are ready.  You sound like you're already well aware of your employment rights.  Don't forget if you need any additional advice that there are people on the Macmillan helpline who can help with that sort of thing.  xx

  • FormerMember

    Sounds like the side effects are bearable so far and you can still taste food! Thanks for sharing, mine radio therapy starts in September so am following your blog diligently..... All the best!

  • FormerMember

    Keep reading. .....

  • Isn't a shame we are all bound by individual interpretations when it comes to attendance management. My senior manager came to see me on a regular basis but only for a social chat and to remind me that my absence was fully supported and not to worry about returning until I was ready. On my return I was told only to stay each day as long as I felt able. After four months I decided to do half days with half day leave as I had accrued so much. This is still the arrangement and I have been back to work 7 months now. I have not being do well of later and am having to have all the scans and tests again. Once again have been told. They know this must be stressful so if I'm not feeling up to it, just go home, my time will be sorted. I know how lucky I am but shouldn't everyone with this horrible disease be offered the same. . All the best x