Radiotherapy and me.

  • Day 27-34


    Treatments # 20,21,22,23,24

    I have been avoiding this blog for a few days now, as I'm struggling to put a positive spin on the way the treatment is affecting me. I have gone from optimistic and enthusiastic to grumpy, pained, and dreading the rest of the course.

    My clinic appointment last week showed a tiny loss in weight, but not so drastic as to get the dietician involved. I still have yet to try the ramped…

  • Days 23,24,25,26


    Treatments #17,18,19

    Still going reasonably well with no escalation of any side-effects. Skin around treatment area a little redder and more tender, a little more hair loss, but nothing too drastic. Tongue now beginning to feel a little sore again, but this may be down to the fact I only had one day off this weekend. To make up for the bank holiday I had a Saturday appointment this week.

     The downside of it all…

  • Days 17,18,19,20,21,22


    Treatments #13,14,15,16

    The bank holiday weekend came like a cold shower in a heatwave. Friday's treatment out of the way, and then nothing for 3 days! The relief is palpable, as every treatment up to now has seen an escalation in side-effects or something new crop up to blight my daily routine.

    It's not all good news, as now I have to carefully choose what textures I can eat, so Holland's pies are now consigned…

  • Days 14,15,16


    Treatments #10,11,12

    A new week after the 'rest' of the weekend. The days seem to be blending into one another now, without significant non-RT activity. My mouth and tongue are getting sorer and more uncomfortable, eating is less pleasurable, and swallowing progressively more uncomfortable.

    I am now using the mouthwash 4-6 times a day.It is called Caphosol, and upon reading older posts turns out to be…

  • Day 11, 12, 13


    Treatment #9

    Friday's RT went without note, except that the radiologists looked relieved that I arrived half an hour early, and they must have been running ahead of schedule as when I left, the department was deserted so I'd like to think they maybe got an earlier than expected finish on a Friday, which is always a bonus.

    Friday night in, I made a peppered pork type creamy dish with basmati rice…