Young mother with breast cancer

  • Hair loss


    I have used the cold cap both cycles so far and found it not too unpleasant. It didn't give me a headache and the coldness wasn't too uncomfortable.

    A week or so after cycle 1 I developed a tender scalp in places, kind of tingly. Approaching cycle 2 I did find a few tufts came out but when I washed my hair on the day of cycle 2 it was obviously coming out a lot faster than usual! Since then it has been coming…

  • Chemo cycle #2


    I took my aprepitant tablet an hour before the appointment as instructed. I was more nervous and emotional than I thought I would be going to the hospital. I think this was the reason I came close to passing out when they put the cannula in. I was OK last time but this time I felt faint, then my hearing went and my sight was blacking out... Several nurses came over and afterwards they said they had been worried because…

  • Pre-chemo cycle #2 consultation


    I saw the oncologist registrar today. She gave me a prescription for aprepitant, an anti-sickness drug, which should be more effective than the drugs I took last time, although I need to take those as well. There are just three tablets and I take one an hour before chemo, one the following day and one the day after.

    I asked her about complementary therapies for reducing the risk of infection, as various people have said…

  • Handling the children


    Since chemo cycle 1 I have had over a week of feeling very well and I have really enjoyed doing activities with the children. It has felt like such a blessing to have this time, being able to do normal things and enjoy life. I home educate my children and this week 'school' was based around their new interest in garden birds, which for me has been a complete distraction from chemo.

    For each chemo cycle I plan…

  • Chemo cycle #1, one week on


    After coming home from hospital I still felt pretty ill. The anti-sickness tablets were controlling the sickness by the time I came home and I felt increasingly nauseous when another tablet was due, so I knew they were working. It was like having flu, and I dozed a lot. My face around my eyes was swollen at one stage. My vision was very blurry, and I found it very difficult to focus on anything. I wasn't expecting this…