Pre-chemo cycle #2 consultation

1 minute read time.

I saw the oncologist registrar today. She gave me a prescription for aprepitant, an anti-sickness drug, which should be more effective than the drugs I took last time, although I need to take those as well. There are just three tablets and I take one an hour before chemo, one the following day and one the day after.

I asked her about complementary therapies for reducing the risk of infection, as various people have said recommended things like tea tree oil, first defence, etc. She said I should not take anything else in case it interferes with the chemo drugs. So that saves me researching what to take!

I had blood samples taken. This is to check that my blood has recovered from the last dose and that I am fit for the next one. If I don't hear anything it means it's fine, otherwise they may contact me to get samples done again. Apparently a day or two can make all the difference to the levels of cells, so it wouldn't necessarily mean much delay in receiving the next dose of chemo.

I feel ready to go through the next cycle, not looking forward to it but resigned to it!
