Young mother with breast cancer

  • Chemo cycle #1: 2 April

    I had my first cycle on Wednesday, it's now Saturday afternoon and I just about feel up to writing this!

    My husband drove me in to hospital for 12:30. The children were all sorted out with both sets of grandparents helping out - we are so blessed in this respect. We took all sorts of things with us to occupy us and keep me warm, not knowing quite what to expect. I didn't use much of it!

    I didn't have to wait long…
  • Chemo new patient session


    So today was the information session with the chemo nurses in the chemo unit. My husband came with me. We got to see where I'll be going. It's like a ward really with several bays and chairs instead of beds. There is a reception and waiting area and they call you through when your meds are ready. It all seems a bit crazy and hectic but I suppose there is some order to it!

    A nurse did a power point presentation…

  • Preparation for chemo


    I feel as if I'm entering another phase of my life when I start chemotherapy. It's a bit like preparing before having a baby (and also nothing like preparing to have a baby!). Hopefully the reality is that I will have some normal life in between doses, God willing. No amount of preparation can replace prayer and listening to the scriptures, but besides that I've been trying to do what I can to get ready; this list is…

  • Further surgery needed


    Today I had an appointment with my consultant surgeon to discuss further the results of my last surgery.

    I was told that I will need to have further surgery to completely remove all DCIS (pre-cancerous change) as the margins of tissue were not clear last time. Since they have already removed quite a large proportion of my breast tissue, this would need to be a mastectomy.

    The surgery is planned for after I finish chemotherapy…

  • First oncology appointment


    I had my first oncology appointment Tuesday 9 Jan. They only told me about it the day before, so had to arrange last minute childcare and work leave for my husband. Granny kindly came up for the morning to have the children which was great.

    I met my consultant who I will be with throughout chemo. We had a long list of questions to ask him and got some good answers. The chemo is delivered in cycles three weeks apart for…