Hair loss

1 minute read time.

I have used the cold cap both cycles so far and found it not too unpleasant. It didn't give me a headache and the coldness wasn't too uncomfortable.

A week or so after cycle 1 I developed a tender scalp in places, kind of tingly. Approaching cycle 2 I did find a few tufts came out but when I washed my hair on the day of cycle 2 it was obviously coming out a lot faster than usual! Since then it has been coming out thick and fast and my pillow and clothes are covered with it. This morning I washed my hair hoping to get rid of all the loose stuff but in the end I gave up because it just keeps coming!

I am not upset by this but I do find it incredibly irritating and I hate the hairs everywhere. I would like to implement the neo-chemo haircut and have it shaved now! Maybe at the weekend when the children can watch; hopefully it will be less upsetting for them then.

I also need to think about whether to continue with the cold cap. I would rather lose all my hair in one go than have it come out gradually throughout the whole course, which might be the case if I carry on with the cold cap.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Lucylilly,

    So sorry to hear about your diagnosis.

    I was diagnosed with breast cancer with secondaries in the Liver in October 2016. It came as a complete shock as I was healthy up to that point. I was in severe pain but it was thought to be gall stones until an ultrasound confirmed otherwise.

    Surgery wasn't an option and I started chemotherapy immediately. First of all FEC and when the tumours were confirmed to be HER2 positive and ER Positive chemotherapy was changed to Docetaxel, Herceptin and Pejeta.

    What I feared the most was the sickness and losing my hair. I used the cold cap therapy. As you said it can be uncomfortable but it is bearable. I did have long hair and going from that to nothing scared me. If I had short hair I maybe would have felt differently.

    My hair did thin within about 3 weeks but I didn't lose it all. I am so glad I persevered as I thought like you whether it was worth it. I still bought a wig just in case I did lose all my hair but I didn't need it. I bought a clip in hair piece from boots which was a close match to my own hair colour and where my hair did thin on the top of my head I bought a clip in fringe from a website which specialises for cancer patients. No-one could tell I was wearing anything and they just thought I had put up my long hair.

    I am glad I persevered as I couldn't wear a wig in this heat.

    My chemotherapy ended in March but I have to have ongoing herceptin and perjeta every 3 weeks for however long it works. I no longer need to have the cold cap therapy.

    My hair is in bad condition and is very dry but I am conditioning it well and hopefully it will improve in the following months. I can't colour it for at least 6 months but I can put up with that.

    It is entirely your choice but if I had to go through it again I would.

    Good luck with everything. Please let me know how you get on.

    Best wishes


  • FormerMember

    Hi SJ,

    You've been through really tough times! I'm also Her2+.

    Using a hair piece is a good idea. I developed bald patches and have got quite into wearing chemo caps of various kinds. Some I really like and will actually feel a bit sad when I stop needing them!

    All the best with your treatment.
