Chemo cycle #2

1 minute read time.

I took my aprepitant tablet an hour before the appointment as instructed. I was more nervous and emotional than I thought I would be going to the hospital. I think this was the reason I came close to passing out when they put the cannula in. I was OK last time but this time I felt faint, then my hearing went and my sight was blacking out... Several nurses came over and afterwards they said they had been worried because my blood pressure was so low they couldn't get a reading! They put my feet up and gave me oxygen. One of them spoke to a doctor on the phone who came to see me a few minutes later. They decided to keep me on the saline drip for another half an hour before starting the infusion to make sure I was stable. They concluded it was a veso vagal response to seeing the cannula put in. Need distracting next time!!

I am pleased to say that the aprepitant anti-emetic seems to have worked. The doctor had said the aim was to keep me out of hospital this time, and yes three days later I haven't had to go back in! After coming home from chemo I gradually felt the side effects kicking in and I did throw up, but only the once. I have been sleeping quite a bit and feeling nauseous but managing to eat.
