Young mother with breast cancer

  • Chemo cycle#3 over and out


    Cycle #3 has not been so bad physically as the previous 2 cycles. I stopped taking the drugs after 3 days and didn't feel nauseous after that.

    However the ill period lasted longer - about 10 days. Just yucky. As the week went on I became depressed and very low emotionally. I really thought I was going to die. I kept telling myself life wasn't really that bad, it was just the effect of the drugs and yes, lo and behold…

  • Chemo cycle #3


    This cycle was postponed by a week and the extra recovery time has been very beneficial for all of us. We've had some lovely family bonding time (during which my middle child learnt to ride her bike with Daddy!!) and my husband and I feel more prepared psychologically for the next cycle. Most importantly, my neutrophil blood count came right up to 3.7 which is higher than it was before cycle 1 (2.2) and well above the…

  • Chemo cycle #3 postponed


    The hospital phoned me the day before I was due to start cycle 3 saying I needed to come in for another blood test first thing in the morning. So after shuffling round arrangements to sort out childcare, my husband and I went in first thing.

    The problem was with my neutrophil levels. They should be at least 1.5 (not sure of the units here!) but on Tuesday they were only 0.8. (Pre-chemo my level was 2.2; before chemo#2…

  • Pre-chemo cycle#3 consultation


    I saw a pharmacist practitioner today (as my doctor was fully booked up) and he was really helpful.

    I told him that the nausea had continued for a long time last cycle and he is going to get me two more kinds of anti-emitic (levomepromazine and cyclizine) to try in addition to the other three (metaclopramide, ondansetron and aprepitant). He said 'play with them' and see what works best! I was previously taking the anti…

  • Chemo cycle #2, one week on


    I didn't have as much actual sickness this time, although the nausea is still hanging around. What hit me most this time was the exhaustion, which I found depressing because I felt I wasn't coping as well as I expected - I have yet to learn that I must expect nothing with chemo!

    I turned the corner yesterday afternoon, and found I had more energy. I had assumed to be able to manage fairly well with my 2 year…