The Butterfly Who Flapped Too Hard

  • Cancer; causes, cures, and cakes.

    First off, as a random aside, LID is well and truly out of the window today as lunch consisted of a bed of a sandwich. It was a mattress made of Hovis seeded bread, with a mattress cover of butter, made up with a sheet of tart mayonnaise. Then prawns and perfectly ripe avocado were tucked into bed, with a duvet of smoked salmon. I was planning a yoghurt as pudding, but after one slice, I felt ill so had to give up on…

  • Turmeric will cure you!

    Excuse the language, but will it f***!

    In the 4 and a bit years I've been at this, I have lost track of the number of times I've heard the above, been linked to the above, been given articles cut out from magazines on the above. Then there's all the other things that fall into this same vein that amount to 'if you just did x, then you'll be cured.' Trying to think over them all, I've definitely had the following; If…

  • Superpower Watch - Part 3

    Day 2 - Addendum

    It seems that the wings we are hoping Patient L will grow, may be of avian origin. The reason - last night she built a nest upon a chair rather than sleeping in the bed. It seems she could not get comfortable lying on the bed, regardless of how it was set or number and position of pillows. Only in the chair, lined with a blanket and softened by pillows could she find a few moments of 'sweet relief…

  • Superpower watch - Part 2

    Day 2

    After a night of almost no sleep, the radioactive element given to Patient L seems to be having an affect.

    The lethargy has increased, but the ability to sleep has diminished. Patient reports that when her eyes close, it feels like the entire room begins to spin. Dizziness, issues with depth perception, and nausea have all manifested themselves to different degrees throughout the day, and seem to be…

  • Superpower watch

    Day 1.

    The radiation has been administered to the patient who is aware of the 'treatment' and fully believes that she has cancer. Patient shows no signs of knowing the real reason she is being irradiated and her presence here. Bloods were taken before her 4th dose of the irradiated element. Patient L is on irradiated Iodine, and her pre treatment bloods show she has followed the instructions given to the letter…