Superpower watch - Part 2

1 minute read time.

Day 2

After a night of almost no sleep, the radioactive element given to Patient L seems to be having an affect.

The lethargy has increased, but the ability to sleep has diminished. Patient reports that when her eyes close, it feels like the entire room begins to spin. Dizziness, issues with depth perception, and nausea have all manifested themselves to different degrees throughout the day, and seem to be causing her distress. Medication was administered by way of pain killers and anti sickness pills, and these seem to have taken the edge off enough for her to lie still for periods of time.

Bladder size may have decreased, as increased trips to the bathroom have been noted, though daily total output numbers are not yet known. So it is unclear if output has increased along with frequency. If it has, it may be a sign of internal changes. These will be checked tomorrow with the primary scans being carried out first thing in the morning.

Patient L has also registered pain that she hasn't felt before in her back. From her description, it appears to be a deep seeded pain emanating from her spine, between her shoulder blades. In animal trials, we had some success with rudimentary wings sprouting from this area, so it is quite an exciting development. All are looking forward to seeing the results of the scans, to see if the beginnings of wings can be seen. Other areas of pain have been noted, but these have been noted in the past, and are well controlled by the pain medication - while the central area is much worse and barely touched by the medication.

Another dose has just been administered, and looking at her now grey and tear stained complexion, I am sure she will soon sleep. 

We will know more in the morning.

And so we wait....
