Superpower watch

1 minute read time.

Day 1.

The radiation has been administered to the patient who is aware of the 'treatment' and fully believes that she has cancer. Patient shows no signs of knowing the real reason she is being irradiated and her presence here. Bloods were taken before her 4th dose of the irradiated element. Patient L is on irradiated Iodine, and her pre treatment bloods show she has followed the instructions given to the letter and so all looks hopeful.

Blood tests years ago brought Patient L to our attention, but we weren't ready for live subject tests then. However our practices and development of the element have improved, and animal testing proved hopeful. Once ready for a real trial, Patient L was exposed to a solution creating lumps in her neck, starting her on the false path towards a cancer diagnosis. The final outcome was reached, but only after rogue doctors unaware of the plan almost foiled the experiment. Which brings us to now, and her 4th dose.

The last three doses have not resulted in the powers we hoped would manifest - as happened in the animal trials, but we continue to persevere with our tweaking of the dose and the purity of the element. 

I can see from the camera that Patient L has showered as instructed, and has dressed for bed - and the light is reflecting from her hair in a multitude of colours. Perhaps something is finally mutatting inside of her. Perhaps this dose will be the one that brings about her super powers. We will wait and we will watch. The scans will tell us, they will show what is happening within. We will have our own X Men, Inhumans, Super Soldiers, or whatever they may choose to call themselves.

One Day......

(4th dose of RAI started today, and I'm in isolation and bored.... XD)
