Superpower Watch - Part 3

2 minute read time.

Day 2 - Addendum

It seems that the wings we are hoping Patient L will grow, may be of avian origin. The reason - last night she built a nest upon a chair rather than sleeping in the bed. It seems she could not get comfortable lying on the bed, regardless of how it was set or number and position of pillows. Only in the chair, lined with a blanket and softened by pillows could she find a few moments of 'sweet relief' in sleep. 

Things are looking promising.

Day 3

Her colour is better, as is her appetite. However the CCTV cameras do not show any lesions upon her back where wings may sprout from. So we will take her for scans to see what is happening internally.


Her walking is clearly more laboured, and there is definite pain in a number of areas just from observing her. Yet somehow she continues to laugh and joke. The scans have confused our thinking, as at first glance there were no structural mutations and changes to be seen. There were only a number of sizable, luminescent, caterpillars. The radiologists and radiographers continue to scan and colate information, and will submit their report later. But perhaps I would suggest that rather than a nest, perhaps it was a cocoon she was attempting to build last night?

Her appetite continues to improve, and I heard her mention to a family member on the phone, that she requires a cheese toastie as soon as possible upon her release.

A disappointing day, and I can only hope the scans will show more of what has happened. However that is above my pay grade,  and will not be known for months yet. I only hope we have been successful, as this program needs a win.

She will be scanned again tomorrow, and then released upon her own recognisance. Then we will will see, after we have hoped.

Until next time diary, for I feel there will be a next time. That Patient L will once again receive our course of 'treatment', but that is in the hands of others now.


(Did you know, dear reader, that if you don't poo before your scan - or do a big enough poo - that it shows up like a big glowing caterpillar? Radioactive waste that hasn't been discharged from the body, and you're 'told off' for not emptying your bowels enough. That's always a fun convo in the lift back to the room. XD

Home now, so we'll be back to the regular rubbish soon enough. This was just my way of dealing with this round of RAI, as it really has been a doozy. Worst one yet, probably a knock on effect from the others before it. So the weaker I get, the worse it gets. Lovely....


  • Read this at 3am. Hope you managed to get a good nights sleep in the end. X

  • Once I was home I did. The Wed night was bad, because they put someone in the room beside mine who needed a lot of attention - and didn't isolate the electric hydraulic door. So each time they went in or out, or were standing in the door and it tried to close, they pushed the button to get it open. Which makes a whoosh and a grumble and a gudunk as it opens and closes.

    I counted 36 opens and closes in 20 min before giving up. I was ready to kill someone. It finally stopped at about 2am, then started again a little after 5:30am.

    But Thursday afternoon and night I was out for the count at home. Totally passed out at lunch with a bite of pork pie in my mouth and the rest in my hand. Lol. Attractive!

    But if you were reading at 3am, sounds like you have sleeping issues? All ok?

  • Not doing too bad just one of those nights! X