Turmeric will cure you!

3 minute read time.

Excuse the language, but will it f***!

In the 4 and a bit years I've been at this, I have lost track of the number of times I've heard the above, been linked to the above, been given articles cut out from magazines on the above. Then there's all the other things that fall into this same vein that amount to 'if you just did x, then you'll be cured.' Trying to think over them all, I've definitely had the following; If I just believed in Jesus, If I just believed in God, if I followed the teachings of Joseph Smith, if I followed the word of Mohammed, if I just got more exercise, if I just ate less meat, if I just ate more veg, if I buy this £500 for 6 drops of cannabis oil online, if I drink lemon juice, if I eat more raw food, if I stop eating processed food and refined sugar, if I stop drinking tap water, and of course eating damn turmeric wins over them all for the number of times I've been told. I think my 'favourite' one, was when the taxi driver wouldn't let me out until he has preached at me and then held my hands and prayed for my soul. Because apparently..... the devil has given me cancer, to punish me for not believing in God. If I just accepted God into my heart, then as soon as I prayed with full belief - he would cure me.

Now don't get me wrong, if you have beliefs and are religious then that is entirely your choice and I would never ever take away from that or try to demean or diminish your faith in any way. But it's just not right for me, and that's ok too. I won't force my thoughts on anyone, and I expect the same respect in return. Though I'm always up for discussing it and learning more about whatever teachings you follow and beliefs you hold - in a mutually respectful manner. I think that's healthy tbh. But this guy was proper preaching and shouting at me, demanding I accept he was right, it was kinda scary.

Anyways, back on track of the rant.... lol

Since when has it been ok to victim blame?! Because lets be honest, that's what all of these comments are doing. I understand that they are coming from a place of caring - usually, and that people don't really know what to say to 'help' or 'be there'. So when they see an article that claims that doing x will 'cure' cancer - they think it's helpful to pass it on. I'm here to tell you all now - it's not!

You've basically just told your loved one that they are only sick because they aren't eating that turmeric. That it is their fault, and they aren't trying hard enough to get well. And are choosing to be ill. Just think about that for a minute.





You see? Bet you hadn't thought of it like that before had you?! How many things have you said, or heard different to mine? Feel free to share in a comment.

None of us have chosen to be sick, and if there was an actual cure out there - then we'd ALL have taken it, and the whole world would be pushing it out by the bucketful. Fair enough, the US seems to be under the control of the big pharma companies. But the rest of the world 100% is not. So the fact that the world isn't singing on the rooftops and swinging from the chandeliers about a cure - then it doesn't exist and anything claiming to be is, honestly, BS.

I want an end to the blame culture we're living in just now, where there is always someone or something to blame for everything. Because that's just not how life works. Sometimes, things just happen. And sometimes, they are your fault and you need to own it - not blame someone else. And certainly do NOT EVER blame the victim and make out like it's their fault for whatever. Anger, denial, confusion are all natural and you need to find a way to deal. And I understand lookng for reasons and needing that understanding. But I'm afraid, sometimes, there is no reason other than 'that's life' or 'nature'.

So my advice?

You do you, ignore everyone else, and eat the damn cake/carrot/whatever it is that's going to bring you pleasure! :D (Definitely the cake for me, but only if I make it - shop bought is awful.)

  • FormerMember

    Very well said and thank you!!!

    Iwas getting a bit freaked put because I wasn't doing xy& z !!!

    Tasks again!!!

    .best wishes

  • No getting freaked out now! If you look hard enough, you will find articles for every single point of view, all claiming scientific proof. But they can't all be right, as they often contradict one another.

    So that's why I tell folks to just 'do you'. It's your body and your mind. You know what makes you feel good and settles your mind down and let's you enjoy your life. So don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

    If doing xyz makes you feel better - do it. If it sounds like tosh - don't do it. Focus on yourself both mentally and physically, and everything else will fall into place. That goes for everyone. Carer, sufferer, bereaved, everyone.

    No one can tell you how to feel or react to all of everything that's going on. Just take one hour at a time, and once you've got a handle on that, a day at a time, then a couple of days. And so on. Next thing you know, you'll have future plans and you'll have found a bit of joy in every single day on the way. Because you did what you needed to instead of what you were told you were supposed to.

    That might have gone off on a tangent.... I'm on quite strong pain medication right now. Lol. But hopefully it made sense.

  • Strange how all the religious minded people never say how lucky you are to be closer to meeting their God. Why do they want you to be cured, do they not want you to meet God before them ? I have no death wish but I do not fear death, I just see it as the next stage of the journey of life, and on that leg of the journey someone might say I should have tried the turmeric ! 

    No offense intended, kind regards Frank

  • FormerMember

    Turmeric, mistletoe, silver, cannabis, had all pushed at me as something I should be taking. When talking to my postie he asked 'what else I was taking for my cancer' like it was obvious that relying on prescribed medicine alone was foolish. My mother keeps telling me what she thinks gave me cancer, using weed killer in the garden, woodworking to name a couple. Whole heartedly agree that all I take from that is that I gave myself cancer & the fact that I still have it is my own fault.

    As for the drug company conspiracy to 'hide' the cure for cancer be that turmeric or cannabis or whatever that is just utterly ridiculous. If cannabis really cured cancer they would prove it & apply for a license to distribute it. They would still make money.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mo Mo,

    I wonder about cannabis - wouldn't mind being 'stoned' occassionally 'specially when I'm struggling to eat normally and having to resort to Ensures yet again. 

    [edited by admin] I believe there are lots of trials going on regarding it's potential uses in medicine.  The stuff sold illegally is useless and probably causes cancer.

    My HPV cancer is caused by sex. Many carry the virus and never get ill, but apparently, my immune system didn't recognise it as a 'nasty'. 

    As a child, I considered becoming a nun. Then puberty dawned!  Ah well, back to the 'GUN' on monday.

    Tonight I will try to force down some cod, eggy rice and salad whilst trying to remember what it used to taste like.

    I even have to sweaten my red wine to still enjoy it. Sacrilege!
