The Butterfly Who Flapped Too Hard

  • The mushroom that made me.

    Figured I should do a shout out to the mushroom that (probably) gave me cancer. Mushroom cloud that is!!

    So, on the 26th of April, 1986 a nuclear reactor in The Ukraine was turned off to stress test the system. Well, it seems that the system was pretty damned stressed, and didn't take well at all to being turned off. It also didn't help, that it hadn't been set up properly in the first place, and a number of other dodgy…

  • Music for every occasion!

    Ooft that was a rough few days. Thought my head might actually and literally explode a few times there, but I made it through with the help of my old friend.... Gin! (Remember to drink responsibly folks, and only over the age of 18 - your choice if that's you or the bottle ;) )

    But there was something I was thinking about the last few days, and it's music. Now, don't get me wrong, there's a lot of rubbish out there…

  • I am......

    A woman.

    A sister.

    A daughter.

    An aunt.

    A friend.

    A bitch.

    A Mum - to cats.

    A cancer sufferer.

    A baker.

    A crafter.

    A gardener.

    A singer.

    A musician.

    And many other things. However the most recent one, and possibly my favourite, that I have discovered through this site is.......

    I am a sandwich! LOL.

    I joined the groups here that applied to myself, and then when I go to my groups through my profile, it shows them in…

  • Mrs Blobby

    I think this is a fairly accurate interpretation of me right now.

    As mentioned before I have PCOS - that helps me put on weight and makes it harder for me to lose it, I also have a complete thyroid removal making me technically hypo - which helps you put on weight, and because of the cancer I have a lot of pain and lethargy making me fairly immobile - which means no exercise, which means weight gain. Lose, lose, lose…

  • The word 'Fight'

    Now, this one might be a little controversial, and I understand everyone has a different viewpoint on this one. But this is just my own personal view and I'd never tell someone they were wrong for disagreeing with me on this. But, I HATE it when people use the word fight, fighting, battle, battling, etc to describe the relationship between me and cancer.

    Everything you see in the media and from friends and family…