Warm your teaspoon

  • Normal


    So ooo ooo, The world is still turning and the worst of the oxy is out of his system. To be confirmed on next oncology but seems that the multi-function vitamin pill he's been taking to try keep immune system up contains enough folic acid to cause some of the cold sensitivity. A chat for me to have with the nice lady at the chemist chain then. 

    In a nice way.

    In himself things are looking positive. I get top trumps…

  • Double booking


    So  Monday went quite well, C dug 2 holes while the sun was out for dropping a couple of tayberry bushes in. My back was gyppy so he volunteered. Should have said it would wait but he wanted to do something. An hour of warm up later and all was well again. 

    Eating still an effort but he's persevering. He'll never need weightwatchers. 

    Monday night: 4 days after the Oxy drip and anti squit pill needed. 

    The anti…

  • Blub


    So after a fairly decent night we had a lie in and woke about 6am.  Except clocks have gone forward and it was only 5. Growl.

    Porridge with gold top milk for brekkie before the dreaded capec pills. He really hates them. The days after Oxaliplatin are the worst. He managed to control the nausea without the extra anti sick pill. Bonus. Eating difficult. 

    Shower and day clothes accomplished! 

    Thing is after 15 mins of sitting…

  • Sleepy


    So the oxalipltin went in on thursday. He had a pretty good night aside from a tickly cough, woke him up to drink some warm cordial. 

    A pyjama day for him while I attacked a couple of weeds in the garden. Gave me a scare when he came out with thermometer and said 37.3  - Thought he was asleep. Temperature was due to sitting next to open fire for too long. Doh. Such a bloke. . . . 

    Another good sleep for him friday night…

  • Teaspoon


    So... Yesterday C had his 2nd Oxaliplatin. Responses and reactions were more intense. 10 mins from the end of the bag his throat closed up. Caused by a small sip of water from the machine. Nurses are lovely but as a known side effect no warm water was available. Fortunately a coffee machine was working in the corridor. 

    Anyway, that blip aside treatment finished after about 5 hours. 

    The PICC line that he had put in after…