Warm your teaspoon

  • 25 degrees


    Woo hoo . . . last Oxaliplatin today!!!!!

    The day unit was running late due to pharmacy being busy and meds late to arrive but all done and dusted after 6 hours. Had small tiff with a nurse who was reluctant to remove the PICC line at the end of the session (might need it in case of infection etc) but had already asked this question last Doctor led oncolgy appointment. Chat with lead nurse of unit sorted this out. So…

  • Gulp


    So it's been quite a week. 

    Nothing dramatic, critical or dangerous to health and human kind as we know it but none the less there have been some trying and surprising moments. 

    3rd session of chemo going quite well. The common side effects are still there. Fingers, feet, lethargy, nausea after pills, small appetite. . . .  Still working

    Had his last capec for this session this morning so he's gone to sleep a happy…

  • Plastic


    So the 3rd round is on it's way and we survived the weekend. He's not been taking the multi-vitamin (because of folic acid) and his 'tingling' fingers and feet have been less severe than previous. Is there a vitamin on the market that doesn't contain the stuff? Might have to ask at the welly boot shop. 

    Eating is still an effort but weight is being maintained. Scrambled egg with some tinned spaghetti…

  • Absent


    So have not been on for a bit. Just so dang tired.

    His chemo is going well. 3rd Oxaliplatin today. Was a later sitting so had time for 2nd breakfast. Took hot cordial drink which really seemed to help when the throat convulsion effect kicked in. We figure that the drip lowers core body temperature so adding warmed drink might help reverse the chill effect. So far so good. Think they speeded up the rate of the drip?…

  • Appetite


    Husband is hungry tonight. Had his brekkie and lunch. Tea tonight (fish, oven chips, peas (lazy I know but had been at work too)) then fresh fruit with custard, capec and now mars bar. Says he feels stuffed but still hungry. I say go eat. While you can. 

    Not sure how or why this has happened, maybe because the sun came out today?????

    Or he had his hair cut for first time in ages ?????

    Or he stopped taking the wellman…