
1 minute read time.

So the oxalipltin went in on thursday. He had a pretty good night aside from a tickly cough, woke him up to drink some warm cordial. 

A pyjama day for him while I attacked a couple of weeds in the garden. Gave me a scare when he came out with thermometer and said 37.3  - Thought he was asleep. Temperature was due to sitting next to open fire for too long. Doh. Such a bloke. . . . 

Another good sleep for him friday night too. He even put the kettle on to make the morning tea with. Then went for a ciggie while I made it!!! Got to get him of the smokes before op. 

He managed his breakfast; cereal with warm milk; then choked down his capec & steroid then a nap before a full fat milk shake. Then a nap. Followed by a nap. 

I popped to shops for supplies and caught him making bed. Before a cuppa and a nap. Woke up in time for some lunch and a natter with his mum in law. That can be pretty tiring (I should know), then time for afternoon siesta.  

On the plus side he can now handle the door, a spoon and the kettle. Still some shakes to the hands but improving. Who knows for sure but he may even get dressed tomorrow!!!!
