
Less than one minute read time.

So ooo ooo, The world is still turning and the worst of the oxy is out of his system. To be confirmed on next oncology but seems that the multi-function vitamin pill he's been taking to try keep immune system up contains enough folic acid to cause some of the cold sensitivity. A chat for me to have with the nice lady at the chemist chain then. 

In a nice way.

In himself things are looking positive. I get top trumps on the aches and pains. Pretty sure if I could get good sleep the sympathy pains would go away. 

He enjoyed his PICC line flush because he got to scratch the skin under the plastic sticky stuff. 

Been burning coal in our fire since october (main source of heat) and a 'backing onto garden' neighbour complained about smoke. Easterly winds. Little sympathy from us but will get chimney swept. 

Food going in so hoping for a good weigh in on saturday. And back on the calshakes. 

Bring me sunshine in your smile, bring me laughter all the while....
