
1 minute read time.

So the 3rd round is on it's way and we survived the weekend. He's not been taking the multi-vitamin (because of folic acid) and his 'tingling' fingers and feet have been less severe than previous. Is there a vitamin on the market that doesn't contain the stuff? Might have to ask at the welly boot shop. 

Eating is still an effort but weight is being maintained. Scrambled egg with some tinned spaghetti was last nights choice. A Calshake a day is doing no harm. Seems that the steroid they give him for 3 days after oxali is the worst for the nausea. 

And around 3 days after that stuff is when we got to do the soft stool test on the temporary waterproof plastic sheet. Well it's not really plastic but a kind of quilted thing with a waterproof backing. Glad I picked up 2 as was loading the washing machine at 1 am. Seems to be a thing 3 days after treatment cycle starts and 3 days after finish. 

Guess it's good preparation for post op times. Should be able to do middle of the night bed change in minutes by then! 

I'm up for Race for Life again this year and up to £48. 

So onwards and upwards to all :-)

  • FormerMember


    Your husband has my full sympathy as I have also had oxy and cap for bowel cancer both pre and post op - I have finished my treatment now and I'm waiting for a stoma reversal.  The side effects of the treatment weren't too bad for me, although they got worse towards the end of the post op treatment - my consultant advised me that if I was going to eat something I knew would set off the runs or I could tell it was going to come then to take the immodium about half an hour before I ate and that should prevent the runs or at least lessen the effect - he said there is no need to suffer the runs and to take the medicine as a preventative measure is fine - I found it helped a huge amount.  I also found that the first 3-4 days after the oxi were the worst and I could cope with the tablets quite well.  Re going to work - I too worked thoughout my treatment but only had to do part time hours - this is because cancer is now automatically covered under the Equality Act as a disability and as such you have a right to ask for reasonable adjustments to be made to your working hours and workload while you are undergoing treatment and during recovery - my employer reduced my hours and gave me things that could be left at short notice if I was unwell, this meant I could work as long as possible and 'save up' my sickness time for the op, they also allowed me to work at one local site rather than across multi sites which is my normal role.  I wish both of you the best of luck - stay strong, this is only a temporary thing while receiving treatment - life will get better xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you Sarah, I thought I was writing to myself. Just writing helps. 

    Husband has Loperamide to help after the event. I think we have a decent team of medico where we are. He has the day at a time attitude which I support while withholding the scary stuff like side effects are normal until he has the side effect. Then it's normal. 

    His work has been brilliant so far. They are treating Picc line flushes, oncology, oxi days etc as appointments not sick. 

    Saving it up.

    Wishing you all of the best for your reversal and future.

    Thank you

    Little R]