25 degrees

1 minute read time.

Woo hoo . . . last Oxaliplatin today!!!!!

The day unit was running late due to pharmacy being busy and meds late to arrive but all done and dusted after 6 hours. Had small tiff with a nurse who was reluctant to remove the PICC line at the end of the session (might need it in case of infection etc) but had already asked this question last Doctor led oncolgy appointment. Chat with lead nurse of unit sorted this out. So last Oxi in and PICC out.

Just walked in the door and my Mum phones to see how it went. Uncanny timing. Will probably be his Mum's turn on Sunday. Not seen either for months now. One because of distance and the other due to recurring lurgies. At least they can't check up on my poor housework. (just joking Mum's)

So all safe and sound at home now. Only 19 degrees outside so fire lit and 25 degrees in the living room. Almost a summers day? I dare the neighbour to complain. 

He's done well with the munching and managed some fish in sauce with bread so ready for the next capec. 14 more days of pills will see this phase of the treatment done. Then scans to look forward to . . . and results chat on 29th ready for phase 2 at Addenbrookes. 

Still making a noise and kicking (huffing puffing and sniffing)

Enjoy the sun wherever you are :-)
