
1 minute read time.

So it's been quite a week. 

Nothing dramatic, critical or dangerous to health and human kind as we know it but none the less there have been some trying and surprising moments. 

3rd session of chemo going quite well. The common side effects are still there. Fingers, feet, lethargy, nausea after pills, small appetite. . . .  Still working

Had his last capec for this session this morning so he's gone to sleep a happy bunny. Note to self - bowel movements will change in 3 days. 

Doctor led oncology was wednesday. Good news was blood results. Healthy. 

Next bloods (or feeding the vampires) will have a PSA check to test the unknown and untested prostate lump. I pray to my unknown god that it hasn't changed. Then 4th chemo round starts friday. 

Dates being arranged for MRI/CT scans plus introduction to Addenbrookes for Chemoradiotherapy. He sooooo wanted to be off the pills. 5 days a week for 5 weeks to a town/city over an hour drive away. His work has been fantastic with the local hospital appointment. We hope that they will be ok about using the work van for these trips. 

I'm still working, cooking, cleaning, trying to remortgage, sister had gallstones removed and hernia op, Mum had laser on blocked tear duct, Keeping positive for step daughter in canada so she doesn't get scared and mess up her life and career and Not looking forward to cutting grass this weekend. And now breathing - I thank you. 

Onwards and upwards . . . blather over for now. 
