
  • 16 march - back to work


    well i went into work to day from 11-3.30 and did well but boy am i tired now. can't say i did much work as folk kept coming into the office to say hello but i was there!! i also had to try and read 1500 emails!!!!! needless to say most went unread.

    im going to take a rest tomorrow but have the doc on friday so will go in again maybe from 10.30-2 ish. feel that if i can get in well why not.

    hope everyone else is…

  • 14 march


    decided to have a bit of retail therapy today. i'm getting my hall and stairs redecorated and its taken forever as walls keep crumbling, dodgy floor and paper has taken 3 weeks to deliver but the end is in sight. lol i'm gonna look for blinds, voile curtains and anything else i fancy hehehehe.

    a question for you. my friends are and have been magnificent with me - always popping in, phoning and basically stalking…

  • 13 march


    morning everyone. hope you are all feeling ok.

    home from second chemo and feeling good. have sore mouth and tired but that's all. give you a laugh though - i got anti sickness tablets from doc  and they made me like a zombie - was given 25mgs when should have been given 3-6 mgs!! hehehehe no wonder i felt zapped - but hey no sickness and i got a great sleep lol hospital nurses kept laughing at my tales about it.

  • monday 7 march


    morning everyone. haven't written for a bit due to dodgy internet mainly but also i didn't want to write anything when i wasn't in the right frame of mind. i was feeling great but last wednesday began to feel wery sick - like a hangover without the enjoyment hehehehe i could cope with that but it does drag you down - especially when you feel good apart from that. friend rallied round to cheer me up but there were tears…

  • tuesday 1 march


    morning everyone. it's the 1st of March and the sun is shining in bonnie dundee although it is frosty.

    I had my first setback yesterday evening as i was sick for the first time. I'm not sure if its due to the yeuchy mouth or i think i may be drinking too much tea and water. That's another thing i'm puzzled about - I am a tea jenny and can drink it all day but i want to drink something else but can't seem to find…