monday 7 march

1 minute read time.

morning everyone. haven't written for a bit due to dodgy internet mainly but also i didn't want to write anything when i wasn't in the right frame of mind. i was feeling great but last wednesday began to feel wery sick - like a hangover without the enjoyment hehehehe i could cope with that but it does drag you down - especially when you feel good apart from that. friend rallied round to cheer me up but there were tears as i was soooo frustrated.

went to docs on friday and got nozinan for the sickness - well blow me down. they make me spaced out like a zombie - they are brill lol. i turned white, and wanted to sleep where a stood ( which was a wee cafe in the town) i had some fresh air, drove - VERY carefully home then crashed for 2 hours. same happened next morning when i took one - i had to go lie down and staggered around for a few hours but hey - sickness was gone. i am a cheap date now - just need to take a nozinan and whammo.

my pal lynnette took me for tea on friday night - we could have gone anywhere but we plumped for driving to arbroath, getting a fish supper and sitting in the car overlooking the harbour watching the world go by. it was one of the best fish suppers i've had- plenty salt and vinegar.

anyway i am feeling good again and go into ninewells tomorrow for my second session of chemo. feeling positive about it.

i'll let you all know how i get on on my return.

hope everyone is having a painfree week. sun is shining in dundee again so that's a bonus for me.


love to all



  • FormerMember

    hi tracey hun

    well sorry to hear youve got the dreaded sickness ive been the same since i had my 4th chemo 12 days ago it is the worst feeling in the world like a hangover that wont go away grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! glad you got it sorted out though and hope everything goes smoothly for your chemo tomorrow

    its ages since i had a decent fish supper and my mouth is watering at the thought of it right now girl down in lodon the chippies are rather naff to say the least and unless you drive to the coast youve got no chance miss my black pudding suppers too yummy  with loads of salt vinegar and brown sauce!!!

    anyway take care hun let us know how your chemo goes

    love and hugs

    jen xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tracey,

    Glad you enjoyed your fish supper. Thinking about you

    and your next chemo. Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tracey

    Mmmmmmmmmmm, fish and chips with loads of salt and vinegar, I'm hungry now!

    Glad to hear you're feeling better and hope all goes well with next chemo.

    Love and hugs

    Max xxx