tuesday 1 march

1 minute read time.

morning everyone. it's the 1st of March and the sun is shining in bonnie dundee although it is frosty.

I had my first setback yesterday evening as i was sick for the first time. I'm not sure if its due to the yeuchy mouth or i think i may be drinking too much tea and water. That's another thing i'm puzzled about - I am a tea jenny and can drink it all day but i want to drink something else but can't seem to find anything. I absolutely adore diet irn bru but the thought of it makes me "boak" is it maybe because its fizzy?? Does anyone have a favourite drink now??

I have a 5 year old cockatiel called Missy who is my wee mate. she doesn't speak but whistles away and has a fettish for my feet!! she will sit on the end of my foot and sing "oh when the saints go marching in " to them!!!  She gets out her cage all the time but is worse than a dog - she has eaten my wallpaper, blinds, walls (yes walls - i had to get a bit plastered!!) my sideboard and has eaten thru umpteen wires for lights etc. she loves icecream, beans and curry - in fact she'll eat anything lol but i wouldn't change her for the world. i'm not letting her out as much for the cleanliness issue and now wear gloves and have wipes to clean up as soon as i find her "business"

anyway meeting my friends heather and danette in town today to get a birthday present for a wee pal who's 10 today so we may even have time for a spot of lunch too - if i can keep it down. I've been given domperidone for the sickness and hadn't been taking them cos i felt ok but have decided to just take them now anyway - do you think that's the way to go?

I'll go now but update you later. Hope eveyone has a painfree day

Love and Peace





  • Hi Tracey

    Doesn't feel quite so springlike here overcast and grey! But daffodils are up so garden looking lovely anyway! With regards to the domperidone my dad felt the same as you so left them for a few days but his Mac nurse told him to take them as prescribed, as you know the old saying prevention is better than cure! For some odd reason he hates taking pills of any description as in his words 'you just don't know what all these pills are doing to my body' and I quietly said it can't possibly be as bad as chemo!! and then we both laughed!! So take those pills Tracey and enjoy your day out

    Terry xx

  • FormerMember

    hi tracey hun

    yes its dank and horrid in london again and cold yuk just long for the warmer weather !!!

    im not able to drink anything cold with my chemo so for two weeks its so awful wish i could have a cold can of diet irn bru my favourite in the world mind you i so miss my glass bottles tastes so much better out of that we dont get glass ones down here!!!!

    know what ya mean bout the bird ive got sky who is a amazon blue parrot hes a pain in the proverbial sometimes i cant let him out for the same reasons he eats everything in sight doesnt talk much although ive had him for 15 yrs bless him !!!

    i got new sickness tabs worked the first day now im still feeling queezy must get it sorted out cant eat much either but id take them anyway if youre going out at least take a sick bag with ya doesnt look very nice if ya boak while yer in the restaurant but its better than doing an exorcist impression over the table babe lol!!!

    enjoy yer day

    love and hugs jen xxx

  • FormerMember

    thanx terry. its funny the way we think about pills isn't it.

    i will enjoy my day. love to your family.

    Tracey xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tracey

    I would also recommend taking the tablets as prescribed as I now realise in hindsight that I did the same as you, waited to feel sick before I used them. You will find that a pattern appears for your 'worst days' so perhaps take them regularly on those days and leave them as you feel better.

    I know exactly what you mean about the drinking thing. I was always a big tea and water drinker but neither seemed to quench my thirst. Again, with hindsight I know that nothing would have. It was that 'coated mouth' thing. I also have a cupboard full of the various dilute pops I bought to get something I could drink. The good news is you get back to normal fairly quickly afterwards.

    The sun is also out and bright in Leeds, perhaps that's why I've spent the morning 'springcleaning'

    Hope you enjoy your day out

    Love and hugs

    Max xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tracey, I would certainly take the domperidone. I was lucky in that I didn't need them so was able to stop taking them after a while, but if you need them, why not?

    As for drinking, I have to say I was also lucky that I never really lost my taste for anything, and that included alcohol lol.

    Jen, I know what you mean about Irn Bru not tasting the same out of anything other than a glass bottle. My husband refuses to drank it from anything else and he goes through gallons of the stuff.

    Hope you enjoyed your lunch Tracey and are feeling a bit better.

    Best wishes, Christine xx