To the left, to the left .....

  • The week we all survived the end of the world


    Gangnam style conspiracy theory - really ?? Wow !! The people behind that hoax must have made some money and sure had some balls !!

    So whilst everyone bantered about the Mayan end of the world and I'm sure pregnancy rates will have a boom in September 2013 , I reflected how my diagnosis had already given me the opportunity to get my house in order. Nothing like this to make you sort out who is who in your life !! People…

  • The importance of nose hair and why eyebrows are sisters and not twins !!


    Don't it always seem to go 
    That you don't know what you've got 
    Till it's gone

    So Joni Mitchell sang - she wasn't wrong about nose hair ! I'm at the end of chemo and whilst shaving my legs or pits aren't missed at all, those little nose hairs that stop your nose dripping like a tap when you go out in the cold most desperately are. Are you with me ? You totally take for granted eyelashes, nose hair, ear hair…

  • You gotta be strong enough to walk on through the night (yeah) There's a new day on the other side (yeah) You've got to have hope in your soul Just keep on walkin', woah, woah, yeah


    Life throws challenges at you, the choices you make to beat them come from within and are maximised by the support that you receive from others. But without your own inner fire, determination and desire it wouldn't be possible. Play to win, find the motivation to rise above the challenge even when there are dark days, all things pass and balance is restored. Keep on moving forward.

    Yesterday I graduated from…

  • The Gift – and why unexpected ones are always the best


    Way back in the weeks before I was diagnosed I was running a carers group , nothing unusual in that, a group of older women caring for their husbands with a variety of serious ailments and a few with dementia – which was meant to be the focal point of the criteria selection – but anyway. Amongst the group was a petite woman who was so organised, her husband’s care routine ran to clock and she managed to have time for…

  • Don't stop me now, I'm having such a good time - I'm having a ball.....


    Ok, so 5th installation done and just one more to go. Can I kick it - yes I CAN !

    Sure my steroids maybe whipping up this positive frenzy but they aren't the underlying positive feelings that are growing and gathering as I am nearing the end of this chemo treatment. I am proud of myself for coping so well and I feel blessed and grateful to my friends, family and medical team for their continued support and encouragement…