The importance of nose hair and why eyebrows are sisters and not twins !!

3 minute read time.

Don't it always seem to go 
That you don't know what you've got 
Till it's gone

So Joni Mitchell sang - she wasn't wrong about nose hair ! I'm at the end of chemo and whilst shaving my legs or pits aren't missed at all, those little nose hairs that stop your nose dripping like a tap when you go out in the cold most desperately are. Are you with me ? You totally take for granted eyelashes, nose hair, ear hair ...all there to protect you from foreign invaders and the extremities. Huge quantities of tissue are stuffed into pockets when dog walking and packed into bags for shopping trips even. Hardly the most attractive look is a leaky snoz.

Then let's talk about eyebrows, now if you had told me in January mine would have taken a sabbatical by Xmas I would have laughed, unless one of my friends had shaved them off on a drunken night. Ironically the year I lose mine, the HD brow has become so popular that really no one would even know you weren't just following the trend ! I've gotten used to drawing on my brows now , at first I thought I am sooooo going to end up with McD's hoops or lopsided caterpillars. The best piece of advice I had was that eyebrows are not identical twins - clearly !  

Such trivial mutterings you think, perhaps ...I've just escaped Docetexal jail, where it held me prisoner within myself for 2 days in the lifeless, restless, can't sleep, can't eat, pain and misery zone. Tax is really the only thing that acts as a depressant and suppresses my little ray of sunshine, maybe this is a good thing ...for everything needs balance I guess. Tax hasn't done it's job until it makes me cry , it always manages to. Last cycle from sheer pain, this last cycle ...from reality. Reality of what I've actually been through and it struck me ...this year hasn't slowed down at all like I thought. I just swapped the treadmill of work, life and socialising for the treadmill of surgery,chemo and hospital appointments. I hit a whirlwind of treatment 7 months ago and when you reflect on it, what time have you really had to consider it all ? You lost your breast, you got on with it, you lost your hair, you got on with it ...days for of nausea came and went -thankfully, days full of energy were enjoyed ...days of pain, hidden tears, getting on with it to not upset others. Wearing a brave face when facing situations you never hoped or imagined you would. 

So here I am ...reflecting at the end of my chemo with a 5 minute pause before my next whirl of treatment to follow, my brain and body playing catch up. Part of me excited by the fact I'm nearing the end of this treatment and I can start to aim for new things in my new life, part of me apprehensive of what the future holds, whether indeed this treatment has even worked, will that uncertainty ever go ?  I have previously considered that having a diagnosis of cancer is like throwing everything up in the air and seeing what settles when it falls back to the ground, I still think that's true but I am also concious in some areas you will have choices than others , like friends, hobbies and work. But just how the side effects will leave your body hmmm that's another matter, just how long will it take to not feel so tired or achy etc..How much will that effect what you want to do and how much you can do. That's where chemo reminds you it was in control. That's where patience and acceptance re emerge ..So to boldly and confidently go into the unknown go I ...that's kind of exciting too, in a strange way. 

#there is no stopping anyone that is determined to achieve, the only limits we imprison ourselves with our own

  • FormerMember

    Well, congratulations for getting this far and I count myself very lucky for not losing my nose hairs along the way... !

    The treatment is head down, get on with it fast pace and when its over, that is when I think it hits you and when you suddenly look up and think what? who? how? what just happened there? and then the wobbles and the worries and all that start.

    I think its a really hard time and one we don't always prepare for.

    Anyway, wow, that was a lot to get through and your attitude will see you through the next bit too...

    I was telling some one at work today that you just shift along the way and somehow its ok... even the side effects that you would have thrown your arms up in horror if they had said at the beginning, somehow they just become part of you and you inperceptively shift a little and your life shifts a little and you carry on being you and its ok Just a new you, but its ok.

    I have side effects that I don't even think of as that now, they are just part of me but they might have been scary once upon a time and other things I was told would be a problem just aren't.

    I am rambling on- some things never change ;)

    Big hugs and keep at em girl

    LM xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Now there is a reassuring figure , you were here when I first arrived with great advice and humour and here you are again. Thanks LM - funny how life has been a blur and now I'm stood still (for a moment) and it's back ended me lol ...Excuse me !! Thinking isn't a bad thing....just over thinking right ?

    Anyway, one step at a time, have plenty of time before have to dive back in have the laser light show to enjoy first 

    Huge hugs xxxxx

  • FormerMember
    Hi Sassy,
    What a palaver we go through! Of course we do it because we are told it is what must to be done to kick crabby's butt.
    I was lucky in that I had no yucky days, just no energy and of course the depression.
    Yes, I knew what to expect and that made it easier to accept together with the knowledge that better times lay ahead.
    You are some plucky warrior and crabby had better realise that and flee.
    Big hugs,
    Colin xxxx
  • FormerMember

    Thank you Colin we do indeed !! Crabby can try but won't succeed !! Hope you are warm & well in this temperature dropping weather !! xxxx