You gotta be strong enough to walk on through the night (yeah) There's a new day on the other side (yeah) You've got to have hope in your soul Just keep on walkin', woah, woah, yeah

4 minute read time.

Life throws challenges at you, the choices you make to beat them come from within and are maximised by the support that you receive from others. But without your own inner fire, determination and desire it wouldn't be possible. Play to win, find the motivation to rise above the challenge even when there are dark days, all things pass and balance is restored. Keep on moving forward.

Yesterday I graduated from chemo camp !! They say time flies when you are having fun, it also flies when you are on a chemo regime. I honestly  hope is a very, very, very long time before I have any further installations !!

It's was 7 months yesterday that my life changed and I have never been more grateful for what I feel is my 2nd chance in life. It's been a huge learning curve and I've fondly referred to this as my career break, just not on a sunny island like I would have preferred. I am truly blessed that I have felt supported all round in my journey and haven't suffered as much as others. 

What has this experience taught me so far ...that cancer like most things is a relay race, some people will start the race with you , with all good intentions and then drift off, some will join you in the middle and others will last the distance and cross the finishing line with you. It's not always the people you expect that are there for you, which serves as a reminder to not have expectations of anyone apart from yourself : )

Everyone's involvement at any stage is a blessing and has a purpose, teaches you a lesson or is beneficial one way or another. There is no need to be upset when people move on or drop off as was just their time in a very long race :)

I've learnt that cancer tests all your preconceived thoughts and ideas about yourself and what you believe, it digs up old wounds and weaknesses, it gives you reminders of things you need to let go off and strings you need to tie up and leave behind. It also shows you your strengths, coping strategies, determination, motivation and courage. It shows you how adaptable you are and how acceptance is key. It's like the biggest personal upheaval you can face and a test of how you adapt to the challenge - sink or swim, you do have a choice.

In 7 months everything about me has changed, not just my external package, I will never be the old Sassy, but instead a new me is emerging .I used to be scared of how others would see me and then I realised that anyone who struggled to accept the new me, was part of the past too and didn't really know the person inside. After all my personality hasn't changed that dramatically - I was always crazy, outspoken and at times blunt ! But my pushiness, positivity and determination has seen me through this - being authentic when people doubted me at the beginning and thought I was in denial or my positivity wouldn't last !! Ha proved you wrong eh ? Positivity is not always about being happy, no one is happy everyday - but positivity is knowing better days will come, that there is always hope and making the best out of difficult situations and letting them change you for the best. 

8 months ago I was rushing around, working endless hours and my priorities and worries were definitely in the wrong places, I am grateful for the wake up call of this diagnosis to CTRL+ALT+DEL my settings . It's given me a chance to rethink what I want from life and what I need to change to restore balance in my life.

So yesterday I was full of a mixed bag of emotions, relief, happiness, fear and apprehension...I never take chemo for granted and at the moment the side effects are at bay until super steroids wear off tomorrow. I feel proud of myself for getting through this part of my treatment, I'm two thirds through now and rads to come in the new year.

I was saddened briefly by a friends refusal to see the new me and instead them harping on about my old self the long flowing locks and boobs and i realised this was their problem - I am accepting of my asymmetric self and my prosthesis is convincing, I'm making peace with my new chemo curves, they have kept me strong and healthy in this fight, I love the changes losing my hair has brought and the chances I can take now with new styles and colours when it grows back !! The ultimate makeover !! Sure I have challenges ahead in my new external shape but challenges are workable and i am alive !!

Sure I don't know if this treatment has worked and won't until my 1 year anniversary and I'm facing reality that my nasty cells spread out of lymph and the aggressive rads is to knock any stragglers at bay - but I feel strong and hopeful. That's all we can hope for.

You gotta be strong enough to walk on through the night (yeah)
There's a new day on the other side (yeah)
You've got to have hope in your soul
Just keep on walkin', woah, woah, yeah

  • FormerMember

    Sassy, this is only the second time I've been on the site and read your posts, but oh how I needed to read ALL of that this morning!! I'm on day 10 of TAC 3 - half way there in this chemo world! I have a blog in which I try to stay positive, and can so identify with all the things you say above; but today was a day when I needed to hear someone else being positive! It has been a mystery to see that some friends stick the race, and some disappear into the blue - but such a miracle when someone one has never met becomes a 'virtual friend' for that few moments of connection in reading the post - like a stranger giving handing over that bottle of water in the marathon. Thanks for providing me with that water I needed today! Little Bear ( x

  • FormerMember

    Even with my cheesy Take That ending !! You are welcome, that's what we are there for each other for. Other people's blogs I've stumbled across over my journey have inspired me too. I love your marathon analogy - and you are half way there !! You will do this too..half way I felt was massively significant gave me a drive to finish - hope it does for you too. Happy to pass you a bottle of water and cheer you on whenever you need it - here's looking forward to you being wrapped in your silver graduation blanket too !! x