To the left, to the left .....

  • Funny how time flies ...Introducing Adventures Beyond Cancer & Annabel's Angels


    Firstly I want to thank Macmillan - no, this isn't an Oscars speech, it's genuine gratitude. For if I'd never joined the Online Community I would never have met the most amazing people in the real world and we wouldn't have put together the projects we have. So thank you !!

    Annabel's Angels is blooming and Simon, Shelley and I haven't stood still for weeks it feels. We have teams for Race for Life in…

  • Annabel's Angels Update

    Just a quick update on our fundraising progress. So far we've raised £675 in support of Annabel's Angels Race for Life pages. That's pretty impressive after only a week or so of pages being shared. 
    Who are Annabel's Angels ?
    In December 2012 our dear friend Annabel Hancox lost her battle to Breast Cancer. Annabel's Angels was set up to remember this incredibly unselfish, caring…
  • Annabel's Angels - We can be heroes just for one day .......Join us !!!


    9 months ago I joined Macmillan Online Community after being diagnosed with Breast Cancer . My intentions were to talk to others in the same place as me or who might be able to advise me what treatments would be like or what would happen. 

    What I found  was a group of women who were there for each other, no matter what, good days, bad days, through every symptom and side effect known to woman kind. We were united in our…

  • Dear Diary it's been 6 weeks since my last chemo .....


    Can you believe it ?? 

    Well half the population  will have quit their new year's resolutions by now and the gym's will be greedily rubbing their hands at the money for nothing for people not making it back to the gym....BUT not me !!

    I'm all ready to start radiotherapy next week and can't believe that I could well be on the last legs of this treatment plan. I say this with all fingers crossed and hope that chemo…

  • A single girls guide to cancer ....things that go bump in the night


    Hello insomnia my new friend, you've come to talk to me again !! It's rather reminiscent of my kids early years actually where you have (seemingly) years of broken sleep and early mornings, I'm sure I can't remember a lot of their early memories from sleep deprivation.

    Me being awake  & the early hours waking have a new relationship, it's gone past the dating stage into fully fledged let's make a go of…