Don't stop me now, I'm having such a good time - I'm having a ball.....

2 minute read time.

Ok, so 5th installation done and just one more to go. Can I kick it - yes I CAN !

Sure my steroids maybe whipping up this positive frenzy but they aren't the underlying positive feelings that are growing and gathering as I am nearing the end of this chemo treatment. I am proud of myself for coping so well and I feel blessed and grateful to my friends, family and medical team for their continued support and encouragement on this journey.

You do need help on this path and as a perpetual giver prior to my diagnosis it's been an education to receive from others too, but you realise you actually need the balance of both in your life. As much as it feels good to give, it also makes others feel good by giving to you and you receiving. It need not be big things, just smiles, hugs, sharing emails, blogs, dropping in with food, acknowledging any side effects long as you are in a reciprocated friendship it's all good. Give and take 

I'm bursting with joy today, my brain active while my body rests. I feel content and excited that I have this second opportunity at life and will maximise it for as long as I can. I love the days like this where I have to rest, but can stimulate my brain reading and researching a luxury when I'm back in the fast paced working world. Today I thought so I really return to that world after treatment ends ? Sure we are all tied one way or another with financial burdens mores the pity and wouldn't it be marvellous to not have them and be free ? But life is not always like that - so you find alternatives to work around the obstacles , under, over, around, whatever. I am putting out to the universe (as I'm pretty spiritual - it works for me ) that I want a positive change, you need to make your own opportunities in life, I've always been self motivated and driven so won't lack enthusiasm to achieve this. I'm thinking of using this life changing experience as something positive to help others so emailed some charities for volunteering options - don't think I'm the only person who wants to give back after this am I ?

Well I hope that the side effect Gods are kind with this treatment, it's usually a creeper and every high has a low - but it's temporary and it passes and I for one am eternally grateful for the treatments and interventions that can help to heal us and give us back our lives

#one life, forget how long for - just maximise all that you have for as long as you can :) 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sassy,

    great to hear that you are feeling so positive.

    Remember we are all here for you if you are feeling low.

    Big hugs,

    Colin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hoorah for good vibes:)

    I think when you do go back to work you re-evaluate things and it isn't the be all and end all it was before. I used to stay late every day and do extras at the weekends etc. Today I was out of that door bang on the dot to go for a swim.... I would have never done that pre cancer, and I have to confess that I really miss my days off now I am phased back in full time... but it does feel good to be doing and busy and managing :)

    And of course you are not the only one who wants to give back. I think we all do.... whether fundraising or answering on here or whatever....

    Big hugs to you and whoohooo for getting this far and still being positive and still kicking!

    I knew you would mind you hehe

    LM xxxxx