To the left, to the left .....

  • Reflecting on what I have learnt along my way - 6 months in


    The past 6 months have flown past and I'm nearing the final 6 miles of my chemo marathon. I would never have believed how quickly it would pass and when I look back to my apprehension before starting I wonder if there is something any of us can do to help others on their journey. 

    The thing about chemo is just like us it's so unpredictable and individual. Even though you are given a list of side effects and yes, you…

  • Whoop there it is ....4 down and 2 to go !! Can I kick it - yes I CAN !!!


    So I swapped to the highly reputed Tax this week and I freely admit was apprehensive about it's bad boy reputation, but luckily no allergic reaction at installation this time ...

    I know this one can be a creeper and altho I feel a lot better than i would do on day 1 post FEC I'm not letting my guard down to quickly and celebrating prematurely. Most people say day 4 is the bone pain creeping in. So have my coping…

  • It's not me - it's you, no really it's you !


    Chemotherapy and me fell out this cycle. It's not me it's you !! We can't even have a trial separation we are stuck in this committed catastrophe for another 3 cycles yet. It was all going so well until I started to want things to go my way and hey chemo is just so dominating, taking all my energy, my thoughts, my awareness, my words hell even my memory. So I tried to make a stand and be like, I don't like the way you…

  • Whoaaaaaaaaaaa we're half way there, whooooaaa living on a prayer, take my hand we'll make it I swear....whoooaaa LOL


    Day 3 post 3rd cycle of FEC boo yaaa !! In one hand I am so grateful to be done with FEC but in another I am scared of the dreaded Tax that follows. FEC hasn't treated me too badly really, the first round with the retching oooh that ah*t was not nice, but every cycle the nausea on ground zero day lessened, although the prolonged gastric stuff not been so nice, But actually you get used to it, know your coping strategies…

  • It's my birthday, it's my birthday ....


    Well - here I am my birthday's eve - ta da !! What a difference a year makes ...last year I turned 40 and was in the whirlwind of juggling work, studying, kids, social life, and who knows whatever else. I never walked if I could run, I frequently skipped meals, had many sleepless nights - lots for great reasons tee hee hee and celebrated the new begining of my life in pyjamas with jager bombs 

    If life begins at 40…