To have come this far....?

  • 8 June, 2011


    Actually feeling better today, as I didn't eat anything bar my frozen oranges and a couple of bits of cheese & some I know that the problem really kicks off when I eat a meal and gets worse throughout the day if I eat my 3 small meals - but of course I can't not eat forever!!

    So, off to the post office today and a short visit to the local grocery store which dear old friend Peggy runs - with…

  • 6 June 2011


    Hope everyone's having a good B/H weekend...raining and cold here on the mountain, deep in the Irish countryside...

    Feeling a bit under the weather for a few days now with nausea, bloating, and fatigue (boob is fine enough - just soreness & a little swelling still - be glad when I get the dratted sponge and sticky clingfilm-like dressing off though grrrr) - and that's before chemo! Temp has been under normal for…

  • 2 June, 2011


    Seems the ten ton truck hit me yesterday and it is finally a reality in my life. The life that has to be completely re-routed. I'm in a big downer at present as I realise that this cancer is real and have to get up my strength to see the oncologist next week (Friday) to see when the chemo starts, what drugs they intend using and the cyclical phases of it. Had to stop the meds they gave me for pain as they caused such…

  • 1 June, 2011


    Not a good night, soreness and bruising very apparent now - my poor old boob is half again as big! Pains in stomach from not being able to go to the loo after anesthetic, kept me sitting on the loo, hoping - not being able to strain, as it were. So, the anesthetic has finally worn off but I'm tired as heck from no sleep hardly, last night.

    Of course, I would love to be able to look at the scars, but can't see them…

  • 31 May, 2011


    As much as they told me yesterday, which wasn't much, but:

    The tumour wasn't embedded in as much of the chest muscle as what they'd previously thought, so they were able remove more of the tumour that was in the fleshy & duct part of the breast and not so much muscle.

    The other incision was to take three sentinel lymph nodes. They gave me a script for pain killers which I got, but on purpose didn't take…