6 June 2011

Less than one minute read time.

Hope everyone's having a good B/H weekend...raining and cold here on the mountain, deep in the Irish countryside...

Feeling a bit under the weather for a few days now with nausea, bloating, and fatigue (boob is fine enough - just soreness & a little swelling still - be glad when I get the dratted sponge and sticky clingfilm-like dressing off though grrrr) - and that's before chemo! Temp has been under normal for about 6 days too - very strange - never had that before and feeling the cold very badly. Stranger things happen at war mind :-)

Haven't written because I've felt like the pits and I gotta wait until Friday to find out what all is going on - please God I'll feel better then.

Take care, blessings to all
