8 June, 2011

1 minute read time.

Actually feeling better today, as I didn't eat anything bar my frozen oranges and a couple of bits of cheese & some walnuts.....now I know that the problem really kicks off when I eat a meal and gets worse throughout the day if I eat my 3 small meals - but of course I can't not eat forever!!

So, off to the post office today and a short visit to the local grocery store which dear old friend Peggy runs - with the help of her sons and lovely daughter-in-law and their children. She's been a friend for 17 years here and been ill badly at times herself - but still runs this little shop in the heart of Donoughmore.


Cold and raining....again today, with a wind to bite yer thingies off if you don't watch it!

Please keep a little 8 yr old girl called Charly in your hearts today. She has Neuroblastoma since she was 6 and has relapsed very badly. She's at Heathrow as I type with her wonderful family, on their way to France in an air-ambulance for some treatment that they hope will turn out to be her Miracle. She is very bad at present. Thanks.

There is always someone worse off than we are....

God Speed Charly and family.
