Will I get Superpowers?

  • Wednesday 26 March, Levothyroxin Day 28. Condition: Normal


    This will probably be my last blog post for a while and the reason is a good one. I've been on the thyroxin for 28 days (threw the first empty packets away this morning) and there have been no noticeable side-effects. Or there might have been, but my ongoing mental and physical heath issues make it hard to tell. I've had a couple of very low moments and angry moments, and I've been very tired. Today I intended to have…

  • Friday 14 March, Levothyroxin Day 16. Spring is busting out all over!


    Is it Friday already? It's been a crazy-busy week!

    Spring arrived properly with a bang (Hooray!).  I've spent most of this week filming wildlife and taking photos of flowers as they pop their heads up in the garden. And I've finally seen a hedgehog (Hooray!).  I think it's me ol' mate Whiffle but he's HUGE. He's being all huffy, puffy and grumpy at me which means he's telling me that this is his garden and to…

  • Sunday 9 March, Levothyroxin Day 11


    Not much to report really. Still no noticeable side effects from the thyroxin and the antibiotics have worked on my kidney but, surprise surprise, I've developed a mild case of thrush. I know people say to eat yoghurt and the like with friendly bacteria in to counter it, but I don't think that works until the antibiotics are out of your system. After all, you're just introducing them into a toxic environment that killed…

  • Wednesday 5 March, Levothyroxin Day 7


    My kidney was less painful yesterday but it was a day of extremes - success if it was the finishing touches to BF's birthday present, but epic fail when shopping for me.

    The camera I bought through eBay didn't work, and it took a phone call to them this morning for the seller to behave and refund my money. Now I've bitten the bullet and bought one I was watching as a backup. It's a lot safer but it's more than I really…

  • Monday 3 March, Levothyroxin Day 5.


    Yesterday was very quiet and so too boring to justify an entry of its own. BF had to go into work for a few hours in the afternoon, but if he hadn't he would have been upstairs playing games anyway. It was a bit too damp to go anywhere on the bike for fun.

    So instead I spent an hour and 75p "admission"  "wandering" around an online boot sale. I didn't buy anything but it was still 75p well spent, almost like…