Sunday 9 March, Levothyroxin Day 11

1 minute read time.

Not much to report really. Still no noticeable side effects from the thyroxin and the antibiotics have worked on my kidney but, surprise surprise, I've developed a mild case of thrush. I know people say to eat yoghurt and the like with friendly bacteria in to counter it, but I don't think that works until the antibiotics are out of your system. After all, you're just introducing them into a toxic environment that killed all their mates. So I just have to ride it out for now.

I've been busy filming the birds in my garden. The last few days have been through the kitchen window but today it's dry and sunny enough to set the camera up outside. The robin has left as I expected but the hedgehog(s) are waking up. Hurrah! I've not seen one yet but one of the food bowls was nibbled on Friday, half gone yesterday and all gone this morning. There's also been a generous amount of hedgehog poo in the box so there's no doubt about who's responsible.

Apart from that last week and this weekend have been a bit of a washout. BF has had to work late almost every night and all this weekend fixing bugs in time for Monday's deadline. So when you're buying your copy of the Lego Hobbit game for your kids this Easter, just remember that we sacrificed a ride out in the country today and be grateful! LOL.

Next weekend the bike has to go in for servicing. He's being given a complimentary bike in the meantime but I don't want to risk riding pillion with him on something he's not used to and handles differently.  The weekend after that he's away. That means my next date for any bike action is 30 March.
Oh well, nothing I can do about it. I'll just have to ride it out... like the thrush.

And speaking of birds (haha), here's a blue tit. Click on the picture to see the video.

