Friday 14 March, Levothyroxin Day 16. Spring is busting out all over!

1 minute read time.

Is it Friday already? It's been a crazy-busy week!

Spring arrived properly with a bang (Hooray!).  I've spent most of this week filming wildlife and taking photos of flowers as they pop their heads up in the garden. And I've finally seen a hedgehog (Hooray!).  I think it's me ol' mate Whiffle but he's HUGE. He's being all huffy, puffy and grumpy at me which means he's telling me that this is his garden and to s*d off unless I'm a lady hedgehog. And seeing as there is at least one lady hedgehog around (Amiga) and maybe two (Hogzilla), we may have hoglets this year (Hooray!)

Grumpety Grump Grump Grump!

Okay, I'll calm down now. 

I expected to sink into a deep dark depression midweek as the effects of Liothyronin wore off but so far I feel okay. Maybe it is just the joys of spring keeping me afloat. It was BF's birthday this week so I had present-wrapping and tidying the house to keep me busy as well.

The cat woke us both up at about 4am walking across the bed and purring loudly at us. This is normal for most cats, but not this one.  This cat hates being picked up, cuddled and hides under the dining room table while we prepare dinner, only coming out if there's food on offer and sometimes not even then. 
So I checked her food bowl and it was almost empty. Well, she gets fed at 7am, so tough.  I went back to bed.

It turned out that she wasn't after food, well not directly. Her food bowl was emptier than usual because her tummy was emptier than usual. And the reason her tummy was emptier than usual was because Madam had been sick on the dining room table, narrowly missing my laptop. So she was actually saying "Dad, Mum, come and see what I've done!"

The laptop is fine, the table is fine and cloth is in the wash. Thanks Mog.  I was hoping for a morning without the machine running.

Anyway. I'll be back next week. Things should be a bit more interesting then as I have an appointment with the onco-phychologists to report back on.

In the words of Disney Tigger - TTFN! (BOUNCE!) 
