Monday 3 March, Levothyroxin Day 5.

1 minute read time.

Yesterday was very quiet and so too boring to justify an entry of its own. BF had to go into work for a few hours in the afternoon, but if he hadn't he would have been upstairs playing games anyway. It was a bit too damp to go anywhere on the bike for fun.

So instead I spent an hour and 75p "admission"  "wandering" around an online boot sale. I didn't buy anything but it was still 75p well spent, almost like the real thing but without the noise, crowds and feeling obliged to buy things I don't really need or want. I did look at a pasta maker that was "only used once", but I suspected that the reason for that was that it wasn't very good at making pasta...
It was relaxing fun anyway.

Anyway, this morning.
My kidney was still aching, and at 4am it was bad enough to wake me. I had my thyroxin when BF's alarm woke me at 7am, stayed out of his way while he got ready, and then took one of the antibiotics my GP had given me for just such an occasion. Next I took a couple of paracetemol to ease the pain and deal with any temperature. Finally I hauled-ass out of bed and had my morning insulin shot (Lantus). And then my other insulin (Humulog) with my breakfast. Now it's just after 10 so I've had my pregabalin as well. I rattle (and shlosh)!

I need to feel well enough to get to the shops this afternoon. I have some insurance papers to post and some bits and pieces to get. I hope the weather stays as gorgeous as it is now.

"Hey there Mr Blue
We're so pleased to be with you

Look around see what you do
Everybody smiles at you."

  • Mr. Blue, you did it right
    But soon comes Mr. Night, creepin' over
    Now his hand is on your shoulder
    Never mind, I'll remember you this...
    I'll remember you this way :-)

    Keep it rubber side down  (The Funky Trumpet) 

    It's the best fun you can have with your clothes on.

    George & Jackie (breast group)