Busy busy busy......

3 minute read time.
Well it's been a very busy weekend, I tend not to really come on the site at weekends due to the kids being at home and being ushered to play barbies! However this weekend it was my daughters birthday, in our house it's never just a birthday but always a birthday weekend. Friday was her actual birthday and she and loads of fun, being spoilt rotten. Family came to visit and my daughter had a fantastic time. Her party was Saturday so another very busy day entertaining lots of kids, and finally today more family came to visit including family I haven't seen for a long time, so it was lovely to see them all. I have to admit though I am now physically and emotionally exhausted from it all, and would love to have a lie in but that's not going to happen. I have been able to keep my emotions at bay all weekend, which has helped me be a lot more positive. I have pushed the whole cancer scenario to the back of my head, although I have to say I am somewhat confused and angry. My own oncologist gave me a diagnosis of secondary cancer with an unknown primary, his colleague who looked at the scans said he would just treat me for ovarian as he can see no active cancer on my scan. This will either be confirmed when I see him, or I could be told he wants it to remain. Unknown primary. I have been offered a second opinion already from the Royal Marsden who would like to see my scan results etc due to genealogy research that has been done on my family. my family are also pushing for a second opinion and I have to say I am heading there way too before I even get to see my own oncologist. The reason I am thinking this is, if I do only have ovarian cancer although rare for this cancer to be found there, my own oncologist happily gave me an horrendous diagnosis of unknown primary, and any google search is pretty bleak. He gave me this diagnosis and then went on holiday leaving me fretting and honestly scared out of my wits. If it is confirmed that it is only ovarian, I will be the happiest person alive as a bit of chemo and bobs your uncle hopefully I can turn to a happier page in my book, but I can't help but feel angry at the lack of support I received. I do think I may of read too much into it all, but the fact he actually told me this is called secondary with unknown primary, any google search will put someone at their wits end. so am I justified to be angry about this, the fact from being told this my next appointment was 4 weeks after? That's 4 weeks of thinking holy shit I could die in a year? I appreciate that this could still be my final diagnosis, but should he of said this before I even had a pet scan? could he not of said to me, we found cancer but now need to make sure there is no spread, or any other cancer in your body to ensure the correct treatment is given to you? I feel that this would of been a much less traumatic diagnosis until he knew from the scan exactly what I had...... my other question is, if I ask my oncologists secretary to pass on my scan results and pathology results, will they just do this, or am I going to have to jump through hoops to get this done. I obviously want my treatment to start ASAP with no delay but can't help thinking it would be nice for someone else to confirm any diagnosis of this nature. any thoughts would be warming?? X