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Another busy week ahead. My stepdaughter is visiting so I don't have a lot of time free at the moment. I am being kept busy which is brilliant for keeping my mind of things, however I know the appointment for my result to be confirmed is getting closer and closer. I asked my gp if she thought a second opinion was appropriate and she thought not, she fee,s confident in the care I'll receive and until I get my results confirmed she doesn't really want ti address the idea. So is has been out on the back burner, however I did ask about being screened and having e gene test for breast cancer due to other family members being diagnosed with this and ovarian at such young ages. I have to speak to my oncologist about this so fingers crossed they will agree. My boss called me today about work, no pressure was put on me to return and lots of support offered. The way I feel this week I feel like I could go back to work, but feel there is little point until I know my treatment and how it is going to affect me. I hope if it isn't too bad I can go back even if part time. I found after being off so long, I am starting to stare at Walls, the housework is done, I am on half pay so no money to spend and getting more bored by the day which will result in my mind working overtime and google becoming my best friend again. I am going to keep resisting and thinking positive until I get my definitive results. I have come to appreciate every moment and force myself to do irrelevant things now as you just don't know what the future holds........still holding onto the hope that it is good news confirmed next week.... X