the saga continues.....

1 minute read time.
After a reasonable thoutful, but pretty normal week, I am geared up ready for wednesday to betold my treatment plan andnthen the chemotherapy. however I guess my saga is not quite done yet, just as I think right it's rare but hey ho, just hope there is nothing skating around my body have the chemotherapy and then I'm done the phone rings........ My oncologist rings and tells me he is happy as are all the other oncologists just to have ovarian chemotherapy but he wants me to have an endoscopy first. He wants to rule out the pain in my side as being a primary tumor. He has sent an urgent referral for me which should delay the chemotherapy. I am happy that this is happening making sure all the I are dotted but I am beyond nervous at the thought of being Awake amid swallowing a camera. Guess I'll be asking for a Sedative to try and calm me. I plodded on this morning up until about an hour ago when the emotions hit me with a Smack in the face. Crap if they find something this makes my situation a whole lot worse. This takes me back to a primary with secondary cancer for sure rather than just having the ovarian. So now I'm playing the waiting game again and only hope the appointment comes back through quickly so not much waiting. guess what I'm still getting the bites too so I have taken it upon myself to spring clean the house, replace all duvets, flea the dog and scrub just about everything.... Let's hope it helps. I've also got a god awful mouth at the moment, i can only describe the feeling as I've burnt it, just hope it passes other wise that's going to involve more dreaded tests! Hope you are all as well as can be at the moment. X
  • FormerMember

    Sorry, you have got more waiting, but as you say it is good that they are double checking everything. The appointments for these kinds of things are usually pretty quick at coming through. Remember you have had scans and they have all been negative, so this is just a precaution and try not to get back into that torturing yourself phase again...

    I am sure that they can give you a sedative or something, my camera was up my bum so don't know what its like from the other end!!

    Gosh, your emotions must be all over the place, so try and keep calm and remember that news has been better than expected so far so no reason for that trend not to continue...

    Big hug to you

    Little My xxxxxxx

  • FormerMember
    Ahi little my, I am determined there will be no self diagnosing, started again this afternoon withit and nipped it in the bid before I got carried away. My thoughts are that even if they find something hopefully It can't be that bad as didn't show up on a scan and secondary I will receive the correct chemo, as mucinos carcinoma apparently doesn't have a good response to the normal as behaves like a gut cancer not ovarian, but on the other hand if they do find something then that means I have an advanced cancer! Or on another flip I could have another primary as well as the other being primary. What a bloody joy NOT! Never mind though I am determined to stay positive. Hope you enjoyed your day back at work today, as much as you can of and dint do too much X
  • FormerMember

    I don't have anything helpful to say, but I would like to send you a BIG HUG. Once, long ago, i had a bronchoscopy (to look at my lungs) and had an injection of something like Valium before they put their tube down my throat. I was pretty much out of it & so it wasn't scary. Felt very woozy & drunk afterwards, but that's pretty normal for me.

    Good luck. Listen to Little My. She talks sense.

    xx susan xx

  • FormerMember

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