The page in the book I never wanted to read.....

  • Free Knickers


    OK, so i know this isnt a blog update, but i love a bargain and being on no pay cant really afford anything.Plus i know getting a bargain or just treating myself can always make me feel better so want to spread some joy.

    I am a following of the deal sites and today this one appeared and i just couldnt resist ordering some free knickers from Marks and Spencers…

  • Going back to work.


    Morning all...


    Having been off for most of this year poorly. My currect sick note ends at the end of this month, which will be right when treatment begins. (i say hopefully)

    However i feel pretty good in my self so tomorrow i am at the doctors to see if she will sign me back on to work.

    Work have been pretty good and have said that they are happy for me to go back, but I have to be assessed by their doctors to…

  • Endoscopy

    Morning all... I received my appointment for my endoscopy this morning and wanted some advice, the thought of swallowing the camera is horrific, and swayed with the sedation.. However got my info leaflet as well, now if I be a big brave girl it should last about 10 mins. However if I have sedation ill be there about 2 hours. 10 min procedure or hang around for 2 hours while sedation wears off. I'm…
  • What next??


    So my mood last night was pretty doom and gloom after my not so better other half was an incensitive A&*%hole!!!

    Anyhow all forgiven, and this morning i go off to the docs with him!!

    He suffers from high blood pressure and is medicated for this.  He is an absolute swine when it comes to him taking his medication and to be honest if he could get away with it, he plain and simply wouldnt, which he quite often does…

  • Lost for words!

    Being someone who doesn't really share in person my feelings, thoughts and emotions, I always keep things more professional talking about the fact I have cancer, my other half has never been able to understand why I can't talk to him about certain thinkgs and why I won't share my emotions. all of my fmily are like this, it's just the way we are, we cry shout and scream in private, and brave face and smiles in public…