The Life of a Macmillan Intern

  • Coffee Morning Week


    What a mad week. I am still recovering from it all!

    The start of the week was filled with final preparations, school talks and radio interviews- all great fun, particularly making the West Hull Community Radio presenter eat various dodgy ‘green’ flavoured cakes live on air…..

    After 3 months of hard-work, finally, The World’s Biggest Coffee Morning was with us! And what a great day it was too.…

  • Countdown to Coffee Morning...


    So I am having to role last week and this week into one blog as there is just not enough time for two!

    The last few weeks were rainy and miserable which left us feeling a bit frazzled and all over the place! We were contacting and visiting local schools and arranging school visits, as well as making sure they have all the merchandise they need to turn the schools green for coffee morning. There were lots of other jobs…

  • Educating Yorkshire...


    I could not be happier that it is the weekend now- it has been a really hectic week!

    We had our end of month review on Monday, to check how we are getting on and to re-prioritise any tasks. So far so good! Our next task that day after the meeting was to finally film (badly) our promotional World’s Biggest Coffee Morning video in the local area…. Why don’t you check it out? The link will be at the bottom of this post…

  • Wet Wednesday...


    Although I feel sorry for those people that had to work on the bank holiday, I thoroughly enjoyed my Monday off, and I know that Emma the other intern enjoyed it probably more than me, as she is currently working 7 day weeks!

    We worked from the York office on Tuesday and had lots of general tasks to be done including making sure that World’s Biggest Coffee Morning hosts are happy with their plans and to offer our help…

  • Fluffy babies and naked men...


    Apologies for missing last week’s bIog entry… I haven’t been slacking off- I have been a very busy bee!

    Last week was full of training and although tiring, really interesting and beneficial. On Monday we had a media training session with two Macmillan staff who work in Comms. We covered a variety of things including press releases (although we have already completed and sent them pre-training..) and…