Countdown to Coffee Morning...

1 minute read time.

So I am having to role last week and this week into one blog as there is just not enough time for two!

The last few weeks were rainy and miserable which left us feeling a bit frazzled and all over the place! We were contacting and visiting local schools and arranging school visits, as well as making sure they have all the merchandise they need to turn the schools green for coffee morning. There were lots of other jobs to do including contacting radios to organise a slot or two, to promote coffee morning, booking a photo shoot at The Deep, in Hull, writing and submitting even more press releases and pushing our local social media pages for promotions. Busy.

It is now officially one week today until coffee morning. I cannot believe how quickly it has suddenly appeared! This week is a mental week- photo shoots, radio slots, final press releases, and 4 school talks…. All in 2 days!! Then (hopefully) a brief rest before coffee morning day- where we are planning something very sneaky….. all to be revealed next week so keep your eyes peeled!


Good luck and enjoy your coffee mornings!

Sophie x
