Wet Wednesday...

1 minute read time.

Although I feel sorry for those people that had to work on the bank holiday, I thoroughly enjoyed my Monday off, and I know that Emma the other intern enjoyed it probably more than me, as she is currently working 7 day weeks!

We worked from the York office on Tuesday and had lots of general tasks to be done including making sure that World’s Biggest Coffee Morning hosts are happy with their plans and to offer our help should they need it, contacting local media, organising posters for distribution and lots more. My main focus at the moment is a new event for the coffee morning-a launch event. We are using this as an opportunity for coffee morning hosts and media to attend this morning which will involve a brief presentation about this flagship event for Macmillan, a talk from a local 19 year old boy who has experienced cancer, and the opportunity for the guests to chat to Macmillan staff who will be there. We are working hard to organise this event so hopefully it will go swimmingly next week- Thurs 5th September 10.30am at The Endsleigh Centre, Hull, if you are around!

Wednesday was a day of working from home- exactly the same tasks as we have been doing the last few days. The only difference was that I had a dog licking my feet for most of the morning which proved interesting when I was on the phone to some hosts! We had a much more productive and successful day which ended our week nicely.

Next week we are back on the road for an end of month review, two college fairs and the launch event… wish me luck!

Sophie x  

