Educating Yorkshire...

2 minute read time.

I could not be happier that it is the weekend now- it has been a really hectic week!

We had our end of month review on Monday, to check how we are getting on and to re-prioritise any tasks. So far so good! Our next task that day after the meeting was to finally film (badly) our promotional World’s Biggest Coffee Morning video in the local area…. Why don’t you check it out? The link will be at the bottom of this post. So our social media attack plan was to buy a load of celebrity masks and dance around in them. No, I’m not joking- I promise! Here is why we did it……

Everyone has dreams and fantasies right? So we were pulling on that string… who would be at your dream coffee morning? I would LOVE Beyonce, JT, Mary Berry, Wills&Kate, Sean Paul (he follows me on twitter now, you know) and everyone else under the sun. So we thought let’s get people to tweet us who they would want, as well as tweeting in the celebrities involved (as long as they had a twitter account) and to use our hashtag #dreamcoffeemorning. Simple really! So, as you will see, I pranced about in the sun as the royal couple, whilst Emma took her dream coffee morning that little bit further….. Ant&Dec? That’s okay. Victor Meldrew? That’s funny. Justin Bieber? Too far. We are encouraging people to make their own, or to at least tweet us using the hashtag who they want at their dream coffee morning. You can get involved too- see the bottom of this blog post for details.

After making and posting the gold on the World Wide Web, the rest of the week was on the road to 2 college fairs. Whilst trying to promote the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning, we were also there to raise awareness of what Macmillan do and recruit some volunteers. I met a variety of people, and we managed to get our promotional video shared, get some people signed up and have a chat with some really interesting students. Not that this is a generalisation AT all, but are any of you watching that programme that’s just started... Educating Yorkshire? Say no more.

Thursday morning marked the Launch for coffee morning in Hull at The Endsleigh Centre. We were lucky enough to be joined The Lord Mayor of Hull, a journalist and photographer for a local paper; some top coffee morning hosts and a lovely local chap who has had his own cancer experience. Although we would have loved to have more people there, the morning was a great success, and to have created that from nothing makes me really proud.

Now I think I need to put my feet up and have a nice cup of tea before a busy weekend starts! Please make sure you are following us on facebook and twitter (see below) and watch our coffee morning videos- that’s the easiest way right now you can help a charity out- so go on, I dare you!

Happy September everyone.

Sophie x

Check out the dream coffee morning videos here and be sure to share them with everyone on facebook and twitter (#dreamcoffeemorning):
