Happy dance time!

1 minute read time.

So we've had an emotional time of it lately, and last week felt quite sad because it was the first anniversary of losing grandad and mum hadn't remembered. She has had an awful lot on her mind t be fair, and I hadn't fully appreciated just how concerned she was about her latest MRI scan.

She phoned yesterday afternoon in floods of tears and I just assumed the worst until she managed to stutter out the words "it's good news" before bursting into tears again!

Basically, her specialist (Scott-Brown) phoned (after much deliberation apparently) to let her know that her scan results were in and had been reviewed. She panicked because they'd said they would only phone if there was something they needed to talk to her about, i.e. bad news. 

He explained that he was phoning because the latest results showed an improvement!!!! This is FANTASTIC news because it means that the treatment is working! Poor mum going through all the crap of being overloaded with chemo, losing her hair and having days when she can't get out of bed are worth it because it's keeping the cancer at bay!

I am so delighted! Not only because the results were positive, but I think that an injection of positivity from the hospital is exactly what is needed at the moment, a much needed lift, especially for Colin who has a tenddency to assume (prepare himself?) for the worst all the time. I hope it lasts because it's wonderful to hear mum so happy - it's been a while! We've promised ourselves a celebration in a couple of weeks' time!


  • FormerMember

    Hello Chapperscounts.  Very pleased to read that the scan results have showed an improvement.  That's very good news.  Make sure you have that celebration.  xx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Margaret853...it's the first real positive development since the start of the year, so has really lifted everyone's spirits. We'll be getting together very soon to raise a glass!